The team of lecturers has been composed of Principal Investigators and Scientists from leading universities and research institutions.
Prof. | Vanda | Brotas | University of Lisbon |
Dr. | Bertrand | Chapron | IFREMER |
Dr. | Fabrice | Collard | OceanDataLab |
Dr. | Gary | Corlett | University of Leicester |
Assoc. Prof. | Jose C.B. | da Silva | University of Porto |
Dr. | Craig | Donlon | ESA |
Asst. Prof. | Joana | Fernandes | University of Porto |
Dr. | Lucile | Gaultier | OceanDataLab |
Dr. | Sylvain | Herledan | OceanDataLab |
Prof. | Johnny | Johannessen | NERSC |
Dr. | Nicolas | Reul | IFREMER |
Dr. | Maire-Helen | Rio | CLS |
Ms. | Vinca | Rosmorduc | CLS |
Assoc. Prof. | Jamie | Shutler | University of Exeter |
Dr. | Helen | Snaith | Southampton Oceanography Centre |
Ms. | Kerstin | Stelzer | Brockmann Consult GmbH |